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Thursday, May 8, 2014

My first Post.

    Hello, I'm Joey Bastian, And welcome to my website. I am in the know and fandom of the Kingdom Hearts series, along with The Legend of Zelda, LEGO Videogames, And the Smash Brothers series.

    Since i have just started, I'll save lets plays for when i have people to watch them. for now, ill be posting reviews, previews, and news of different franchises.

    Now its time to tell you how many games i have of each franchise. In KH, KH1, KH CoM, KH2, 358/2, Re:Coded, and DDD. Zelda, TLoZ, OoT, PH, ST, SS, And a link between worlds. Lego, Indiana Jones and star wars (On Ps3 and Ps3 is broken) LEGO Marvel, and the LEGO movie game.

     As the website progresses, I'll post a poll to see how you guys want the website to be like. But for now, This is Joey, cranking out posts left and write.

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