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Friday, May 23, 2014


   As many of you are excited for the new Zelda Wii U game, if you're in Japan, your in luck. As the Hybrid of Zelda and Dynasty Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, is due to come out in summer for Japan. The US date is still being determined, I think it would come out next to SSB4 for the Wii U, in winter 2014.
   The other Zelda Wii U game has not gained a release date. However, Zelda U is said not to save the WiiU entirely from collapsing. As Nintendo has just reused all their games, such as remastering Wind Waker, Mario Bros,etc., Zelda U might be a modern version of the original Legend of Zelda. After watching the preview, a Twilight princess version of Link walks into a temple with a similar color palette of an original Zelda dungeon. The way Nintendo is going, they could be making the Zelda CD-I games in HD.
    As this is one of my shorter posts, I haven't gathered much information, but I will inform when I release date for any one of the games in America. Until then, this is Joey, cranking out posts left and write.

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